Saturday, April 21, 2007

The Old Dog's new tricks

Kramer loves being IN the house, or probably more correcty he likes being WITH us. When we go out we take him downstairs - yes, carry him for he won't go himself - lock him in downstairs where he has water, and a few biscuits.

He hates this. He watches as we get dressed and then hides. I've spent ages looking for him on occasions. Usually he finds a better hiding spot when I'm in a hurry. I've been on occasions so running late and so frustrated that I can't find him that I leave him - especially if I am only going for less than a couple of hours. He doesn't mess in the house - just finds a more comfy spot to sleep.

He loves coming in the car, so the other day I had some letters to post so I showed him the dog lead and he enthusiastically followed me to the front door, and I carried him to the car.

I'd decided to take a walk along the
Wynnum waterfront, and thought he'd like the experience. WRONG.

You'd think he'd forgotten how to walk. He just refused to budge. The only way I could get him to move was when someone came walking past and he'd follow them for a very short distance before stopping. And again refusing to walk.

He just sits and casually looks around. He felt the sea breeze blow his long floppy ears around, and he sniffed the air. He made friends with people along the way - but still only walked when HE wanted to walk. I carried him often.

He can be such a pain.

Sunday, April 15, 2007

Life With Snickers: Dachshunds Rule the Day

Read another dog story - Life With Snickers: Dachshunds Rule the Day

Dachshund Club of Queensland

I haven't mentioned the Dachshund Club of Queensland - we are no longer members, but do have contact with some members from time to time.

They have their own website too - so any Dachshund lover living in Queensland might find their website helpful.

Go to the site here for more information.

Other Dachshund Websites

Searching around the internet for other Dachshund sites is interesting. There are many interesting sites. One is a Dachshund rescue service in the US - with some really touching stories about little dogs abandoned. How cruel. How couldanyone do that to any pet, let along a wonderful dachshund.

I'm not aware of such a service here in Australia, but we do have active Dachshund Clubs that can be very helpful if there is a need for assistance.

Visit this site

Friday, April 13, 2007

More dachshunds

I've seen more of this breed around the region in the last few weeks. If I get a chance I stop the owners as they walk their little "sausage dogs" - but not always possible.

I saw two dogs being walked by their owner along the esplanade the other day, and in one of the local streets a very new puppy was taking one of his/her first walks in the neighbourhood.

We've probably got enough of the breed to have our own Dachshund Club!

Brash Kramer

Kramer continues to push to get/take more priveledges. He's really taken to living inside - but still must go down to his room overnight. Even though generally he is well behaved in the house, I insist he does not stay in all night. I know that if he stays in just one night - he'll expect to do so for ever.

This morning it was just after 5 am that he started his low woofing. I went down and after he'd completed his ablutions let him inside. I thought he'd gone to his special mat in the main bedroom.

Instead he'd made himself comfortable in one of the lounge chairs. He knows he's not allowed on the chairs - but I was busy at the computer and he just sneaked in and took pride of place where he'd love to sit.

When he was sprung he tried to sink lower into the chair, but was unceremoniously removed and put on his cushion. He's continued to glare at us!